Design Tips For An Open Floor Plan

Open concept floor plans make for easy living but can be a challenge to decorate. With so much space to fill, it can be intimidating.  Step back and consider ways to design rooms within the room. Use space defining area rugs, cohesive color schemes, repeating hardware finishes, and smart placement of furnishings to make large spaces feel both more intimate and functional in the home.

Pro design tips for an open floor plan:

Defining Space

Creating vignettes within a large room helps to define intended use. Area rugs are champions of zoning large rooms. Start with an appropriately sized area rug and build a room within the room from there. Layer in furnishings that help describe the space. This may include seating, storage, tables, and accent furniture. Additional floor lighting and table-top lighting also help to designate zones.

Design Tips for an Open Floor Plan

Repeating Elements

Pattern brings unity to spaces both small and large. Repeat favorite elements in a room for instant design harmony. Textures and finishes are an excellent place to start—picking light fixtures, legs on furniture, and cabinet hardware of the same finish family is an easy way to bring consistency to a design.

Cohesive Color

Connect design colors used in an open floor plan design. A cohesive color scheme can include gradient colors progressing to achieve an ombre feel which subtly and seamlessly moves the eye from space to space. Contrasting color use can also be considered cohesive if the colors are complementary and attractive, yet different enough to sharply highlight special zones—like a bold fireplace wall in a neutral living space.

Design Tips for an Open Floor Plan

Pro Placement

Take the same five furnishings and arrange them five different ways, and you will have five completely different designs—that is how important placement is! Anchoring furnishings to a wall is common, but open floor plan designs shine through unique placement. Don’t be exclusive to the perimeter, consider room dividing placement of bookshelves, buffets, and other furniture pieces to establish room function boundaries.

Related article: Considerations when placing flooring

Multi-Functional Furnishings

The kitchen table can serve many purposes, from dining to DIY crafting, it is popularly a dual-use furnishing. Similarly, end tables in the living room hold anything from lamps to late-night snacks. Consider your lifestyle when selecting heavy-use furnishings, choose function over fashion for long-term use.

Yearning for a truly custom design experience? Contact Everything Home to learn more about our signature services which include mood board visioning, furnishing sourcing, and white-glove installation—our talented designers make design dreams come true!

Happy Home. Happy Life.

Looking for more design inspiration? Follow us on Pinterest!What are your best design tips for an open floor plan? Share in the comments below. 


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